Author: MJ Logan

Single-Phase versus Three-Phase Generators

The power company generators produce current that travels over three separate transmission wires. The current on each wire is called a phase. The cycle for each phase is evenly spaced from the other two phases. The full cycle of each phase requires 360 degrees, with phase one beginning at zero degrees, phase two at 120 degrees and phase three at 240 degrees. This is called three-phase current and is the standard current generated by all electrical utilities in North America.

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The GenReady Load Center

Adding a standby generator to a home usually requires additional equipment that includes an automatic transfer switch and an emergency load center. Circuits in the emergency load center are normally supplied with electricity from the power company via a circuit breaker in the main service panel. When an outage occurs, the transfer switch disconnects circuits in the emergency load center from the utility supply and connects them to the generator.

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A Coronal Mass Ejection, or CME, on the sun flings a ball of plasma many times the size of the earth from the surface at more than 900 miles per second. An image of the earth added to the image just below the CME provides scale. NASA image. Text Reads "Solar Storm Grid Shutdown" The Norwall Cyclone Bolt Logo is in the Lower Right Corner.
A man wheels a 13000 Watt Generator away from a pickup truck across a paver driveway in front of a modern home with stone and wood siding.
Champion 22kW Home Generator
Generac Guardian Generator Backyard Installation Along a High Wooden Fence
The New 26kW PowerProtect Generator from Briggs & Stratton takes first place as the most powerful home and small business generator in its class.
